How can I cancel my order?
Please send us an e-mail with subject line 'Cancel Order,' including your full name and order number. We do our best to ship your orders within 24 hrs (excluding weekends and holidays) so if your order is already shipped we cannot cancel it. However, you may return it to us upon receipt by following guidelines in our "Return and Refund" Policy.
How can I return or exchange an item?
Please review our "Return and Refund" Policy to find out about returns and exchanges.
How can I get a refund?
If you are not satisfied with any of our products in any way, we will gladly replace the products, or refund your money when the products are returned within 30 days of purchase. Refunds are issued in the same form of payment as in the original transaction within 5 business days of receiving your return. Please review our "Return and Refund" Policy for more details on how to get a refund.
If I buy two or more items, how it will ship?
We are always happy to combine multiple items to ship in one go. However, sometimes we will ship them out in separate packets, it all depends on the size of your order and items.
How do I know if my order has shipped?
Once your order has been shipped, we will send an e-mail to you with the tracking information for your package. If you have not received an e-mail, your order will be shipped shortly and you will receive an e-mail as soon as it is shipped. Any Question please feel free to contact us through email [email protected]
What will happen if the parcel is too large to fit in the letter box?
For usual orders, the driver will attempt to deliver it to you twice. They will leave you a card if they missed you and will attempt another delivery to you on the following day. Please expect the delivery on the following day. If you really missed your delivery, please contact the USPS to arrange re-delivery or pick-up as soon as possible.
I have not received all my items in my order, what should I do?
It is possible that we have shipped out your order in one or two deliveries. Please contact our customer service, we can check it out from our end and let you know it in details.
If I receive a wrong item, what should I do?
Please contact our customer service if you receive the wrong item, and send us a picture of the incorrect item you received, We will offer a free Return label By mail, After You return it back to us, we will reship a new correct one to you or give you a full refund.
Can I change my shipping address?
It depends on whether we have dispatched your order yet, please email your new shipping address to us as soon as possible. But it is not possible to change it if we have already dispatched your order.
Coupon code
If your orders total price is over $160, you can use this Coupon Code: YSRHXUZW, Save: 5% off